The Most Popular Tools for an Efficient SEO Team


When it comes to marketing we can wholeheartedly say that success is guaranteed only by hard work, commitment, and attention to detail. However, although these key ingredients don’t have a tangible substitute, we can also agree that making it to the finish line is considerably easier if we have access to proper productivity tools.

Search Engine Optimization, one of the cornerstones of modern digital marketing, is no different.

Fortunately enough, the IT industry made sure that these days we are able to choose between dozens of different products that each excel in activities that are closely associated with this marketing method.  Let us take a look then at some of the most important mentions you should keep on your radar.

Keyword research tools

The SEO is based on effective keyword research so we decided to put this at the number one spot. Of course, having any kind of serious talk about this topic without mentioning Google Adwords Keyword Planner would be virtually impossible but it’s good to know that the market is expanding with fresh alternatives. One of the prime examples has to be Ubersuggest – a free SEO keyword analysis tool that performs keyword research, suggests longtail keywords, calculates the cost per click, etc. Finally, let us not forget Soovle that also takes into account keywords from platforms like Wikipedia and Amazon.

Project management tools

The project management tools have, by now, become a necessity rather than a novelty. According to recent research, as much as 77% of high-performance projects use some kind of project management software. This growing niche is spearheaded by Jira that, at the moment, holds the reign over 39.35% of the market. But, as you can guess, that is hardly the only option you have at your disposal. The list also contains popular mentions like Trello, Asana, Teamwork, Nifty, Google Sheets, Microsoft Project, and Hive, all of which offer task management features, basic communication options, and seamless file sharing.

Communication tools

Even though the tools we have mentioned above feature a lot of built-in communication features, some more demanding tasks like using the services of a third-party employer of record or working with any kind of remote workforce, you will need a more complex and fleshed out communication infrastructure. Due to its layered communication layout, simple navigation, excellent file-sharing options, and all-around excellent mobile apps, Slack stands as the obvious pick for this area. However, if you need something with a more fleshed-out dashboard and a greater focus on teamwork, we say you can go with ProofHub.

Content audit tools

Once we move past the keywords and all technicalities we will see that the core of SEO lies in tireless content creation. To make this job easier, you will need the tools that will allow you to easily check the grammatical errors, plagiarism, and content format. So, when it comes to the grammar check, you will hardly find a better alternative than Grammarly that goes way beyond its basic function and offers very valuable syntax and engagement suggestions. As for the other two SEO requirements, we suggest that you go with Copyscape and Siteliner both feature excellent reliability and market reputation.

Content promotion tools

Last but not least, let us quickly cover the endpoint of the SEO process. If you are not able to effectively promote your content online, all of your previous efforts will go in vain so consider adding some of the following tools to your arsenal. Since most of SEO takes place in the Google environment you can start by setting up Google and start tracking competitors and getting email updates about the performance of the recent posts. Once you get a handle on this, you can move on to more advanced tools like Majestic SEO (link building opportunities) and Ninja Outreach (getting links from high authority websites).

We hope these few mentions gave you a general idea about the basics you need to cover in order to be able to branch out in the SEO industry. Ever since people started looking for things online SEO has instantly become one of the cornerstones of modern marketing. Bearing such a weight on its shoulder it is only expected that this particular marketing strategy leverages dozens of different tools in order to be performed with optimal efficiency. The tools we have mentioned above are hardly from a complete story but they make an excellent starting point.