Top Reasons to Not Live Alone


Living alone can be a personal preference for many, but it is not always financially feasible. This means that instead of having a home to call your own, you are more than likely in a position where you need to rent out a room or share an apartment with someone else.

Alternatively, if you do have the money to live alone but are wondering if it is the right move for you, there are a couple of things that might help you sway toward sharing. This piece is going to take a look at some of the top reasons you should not live alone and why getting a roommate or living with friends and family could be the best call.

Read on to find out more.

Living Alone Increased to Mental Health Risk

Did you know that there is an increased risk to mental health for those who live alone? It can be surprising, as having to deal with a roommate who plays dance music until 3am every night or does not clean out the hair from the bath could be enough to drive you insane (and they probably can). However, being alone and not having any interaction at all can be much more serious.

Loneliness is an epidemic, especially for certain age groups, such as seniors. There are many more people living for longer now, which can be great if you have the people you love to age with you. Due to death and divorces, though, more and more old people are living alone and experiencing the loneliness that can come with this.

This is not to say that everyone who lives alone is lonely at all, but in certain situations or prolonged periods of time where no one else is around, this can cause loneliness, which in turn can have a negative impact on someone’s mental health.

Moving into a place with like-minded people can change everything – just head over to to find your perfect spot and meet those in it!

Problems with Health

When someone is poorly, it is even more difficult to advocate for their health, and if no one else is around to notice this or help you take action, you could end up suffering much longer.

While taking care of yourself when you have the flu can be a bit of a challenge, this is more about the chronic conditions that can cause you problems at any time, such as fainting, seizures, memory loss, or other serious symptoms which require the help of others.

Even if you move in with a complete stranger who is not responsible for your health in any way, there can be peace of mind that you know someone will be coming home every night or that someone is around if they hear a suspect noise or you need to shout help.

Not only that, but many people will be willing to help if you do have a problem, such as being driven to the doctors.

This is particularly useful for those who live away from family or don’t have any they can call on. The last thing you want is to be in a serious situation indefinitely alone.

A Barrier to Healthy Eating

While you might think living alone gives you all the kitchen space and freedom to create your ornate and inspired dishes, it might come as a shock that it does not pan out that way.

Living alone can actually be a catalyst for an unhealthy diet, which then, in turn, can cause health problems and a lesser quality of life. But why is that? A literature review found that those who live alone had a lower intake of food and less diversity because of issues such as lack of motivation, no shopping partner, inadequate cooking skills, and a lack of joy in eating alone.

Because of this, many of those who lived alone lacked key nutritional ingredients due to microwave meals, takeaway, and other on-the-go options that were void of nourishment. Having someone around means you can plan food for the week or get inspiration from each other for what to cook each week.

The Devil Finds Work for Idle Brains

Being alone with our thoughts from time to time can be a good thing. It allows us to reflect, build gratitude, and assess what we like and what we do not like about our current situations. This can create a space for beneficial change and breed a self-awareness that only comes with inner work. However, when someone is left alone for too long with their thoughts or being in their own mind, this can create a bubble that is hard to escape.

Being alone for long periods of time can give our negative thoughts and inner critic a chance to fester, which can have a significant impact on the rest of our lives. These thoughts can also be much more difficult to extinguish when you are living alone without any additional distractions or chatter.

If you are prone to getting in your head and letting these negative thoughts run rampant, then having someone around can help bring you out of these moments, especially if you do not have many reasons to leave the house or talk to someone. Sometimes it is best to put yourself in a situation that forces you to help yourself from time to time, and having a roommate could be just that addition.


There are many benefits to living alone, but the benefits that come with not living alone can be much more rewarding, depending on the type of person you are and what you want from life.

Loneliness is difficult to live with, and if you struggle with mental health issues such as depression or anxiety, getting yourself out of that space to go and see others or have others over can feel like an impossible hurdle.

Having someone around to chat with, eat dinner with, and keep an eye out for you can increase your sense of well-being and give you something to look forward to.