Impact of Video Marketing on eCommerce Business


According to a survey, almost 90% of the customers like to watch the videos of the products. This survey is also showing that almost 64% of the customers buy products only when they watch video marketing ads. Moreover, when you will add videos on your eCommerce website, visitors will stay longer on your website. They try to visit more product pages and much more. This thing will last a positive impact on the organic credibility of your website. As a result, you can observe a decline in the bounce rate of your website and observe improvements in the conversion rate. Here, we will discuss the impact of the video marketing on your eCommerce business.

Google Loves Videos:

If you will share the best quality video on your eCommerce website, you can easily get a higher ranking in Google. While creating the product videos, you should try to put a human story behind the digital offerings. Here, we can take an example of the Dollar Shave Club video. This video had gone viral overnight. The main intent of the video marketing was to increase brand awareness. Anyhow, it has also helped this lot in the natural link building process. Most of the brands have written about it. After writing about it, they have provided a link back to this website. Moreover, they have also shared the video. After getting the natural backlinks, they have got success in the online business.

People Love to Watch Videos:

No doubt, lots of eCommerce websites are just focusing on the texture content. They don’t focus on the videos. They should know that people are spending almost one-third of their online activities watching videos. The videos are more enjoyable for the audience. If you have not featured videos on your eCommerce website, almost one-fourth of the customers will leave your website. While making the videos, you should focus on the engagement of these videos. It means that you should create interesting videos for the customers. When you will share interesting videos on your eCommerce website, people will try to watch the whole length of the videos.

Videos Improve Conversions:

If you have determined to boost the conversion rate of eCommerce business, you should use video marketing. The results of a survey are showing that you can increase conversions of your products up to 85% by uploading videos on your website. These videos are also lasting some positive impacts on the SEO of your website. You can also increase email CTR by 96% by including videos. It is also the best way to reduce the product return of an eCommerce website. These things are showing that videos can improve the financial health of your eCommerce business

Also Read - How To Become A Successful Wedding Videographer Melbourne?

Consumers Share Videos On Social Media:

The video marketing content can also provide benefits to the users in the SEO and engagement. When you will share the best quality product videos on your website, your viewers will try to pin these videos on Pinterest. Along with Pinterest, they will also try to share videos on other social media sites. This thing will provide enough benefits to you in the SEO and engagement of your website. Nowadays, social media sites have become the major driver of sales. Here, you can get benefits from animated product videos and user-generated product videos.

Video Marketing Adds Value:

Told by a dissertation help firm, a picture has almost 1,000 words and a video has 1,000,000 words. Therefore, it is the most important way to convey the message quickly to the customers. You can also use them to convey more information than visuals. The businessmen can convey the message about the look and benefits of the products. It is also the perfect way to get the emotional attraction of the customers. Before creating the video marketing content, you should research your audience. After researching the audience, you can create the perfection of things. It is also the best way to personalize the user experience.

Videos Build Trust:

To create the product videos, you will have to make financial investments. After making financial investments, you can convince the consumers about the quality of the products. It is also the best way to know either your customers are trusting in your products or not. If your products will get more views and shares, it means that customers believe in your products. This thing will show that you can generate more leads. You can also use these video to alter the buying decision of the customers. In short, if you will get success to create the best quality videos, you can build authenticity about your brand.

Helpful to Provide Answers to the Questions of the Customers:

While buying the products of your company, the customers have lots of questions about the products. You can’t provide answers to these questions in the product descriptions. To provide the answers to the questions, you should create the best quality videos about your products. Almost 98% of the customers buy the products after watching the explainer videos of the products. Anyhow, before making the best quality video marketing content, you should conduct research. You should find out the best questions about the products. When you will provide answers to these questions, you can easily convince the customers to buy your products.

Marketers Can Drive More Organic Traffic:

If you want to get enough website visitors to your eCommerce business, you should pay attention to the organic traffic. To increase the organic traffic of their websites, the companies are spending millions of dollars to link with high-quality websites. Instead of linking with high-quality websites, if your website has a higher bounce rate, you can’t drive enough visitors to your website. Its reason is that Google is deciding the quality of a website through bounce rate. If your website has a higher bounce rate, Google will consider that your website is of lower quality. To decrease the bounce rate of a website, you will have to increase the engagement rate of the websites. The best way to decrease the bounce rate of an eCommerce website is to create video marketing content. Your customers will show more interest and engagement in these videos.